Bruno, Lucia Emilia Nuevo Barreto
Resultados: Listando 9 de 19 en la página 2 de 2
Education and ecology: practices of social autonomy or new discourses for the transnationalization...
De trabajador a emprendedor: un análisis de las formas de producción y reproducción...
The meanings of solidary economy: workers' progress and limits on the control over...
The physics teacher working in secondary education: reality, desire and need
School discipline and factory discipline: education and formation of national working...
Anarchism, science and education: Francisco Ferrer y Guardia and the web of militants...
The approach of diversity in the speech of National Curriculum of Reference for the...
Management Higher Education in Prospective: Undergraduate courses in Brazil in the...
Business Administration Education and the ethos of Modernity
Resultados: Listando 9 de 19 en la página 2 de 2