Leite, João Pereira
Resultados: Listando 10 de 15 en la página 1 de 2
Characterization of the synaptic plasticity and oscillatory patterns in the hippocampus-medial...
Cholinergic modulation of cortical synaptic plasticity: effects of activation of...
Prefrontal cortical synaptic plasticity induced by stimulation of the rat mediodorsal...
Characterization of changes in the medial prefrontal cortexhippocampal pathway in...
Inhibitors of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K) and neuroprotection mediated...
Investigation of neural correlates of stress coping strategies in the mesolimbic...
Effects of antidepressant escitalopram on the cortic-amigdalar electrophysiological...
Expression patterns of structural proteins and plasticity in the temporal lobe e...
Alteration of the DSI of CA1 pyramidal neurons at the presence of pilocarpine and...
Use of synthetic glucocorticoids to trigger behavioral changes similar to posttraumatic...
Resultados: Listando 10 de 15 en la página 1 de 2