Guerreiro, Reinaldo
Resultados: Listando 10 de 33 en la página 2 de 4
Contribution to structuring an information model for health plan operating companies:...
Level maturity concept of controllership instruments used in performance evaluation...
Veterinary services management : an investigation into the practices of costs, prices...
Study on the cost management systems of German subsidiaries operating in Brazil:...
A sectorial study about the relations of the variable of the business environment,...
A study on the desinstitutionalization process of inflation-adjusted accounting practices...
Institutions, social action and frauds in the water industry: a study in the metropolitan...
Efficiency of a utilities company in the face of the advent of the regulatory agency...
Usage Behavior of management accounting practices under the institutional view
A study of the main frauds in financial institutions in Brazil: Reflections on lessons...
Resultados: Listando 10 de 33 en la página 2 de 4