Moraes, Izabel Cristina Freitas
Results: Displaying 10 of 12 on page 1 of 2
Production and characterization of jackfruit seed starch biodegradable active fi...
Quinoa starch nanocrystals: production, characterization and application in starch...
Guavira (Campomanesia cambessedeana Berg) pulp dehydrated in spray dryer: effects...
Instrumentation for dielectric characterization of biodegradable films
Development of pectin-based active edible coatings, characterization of rheological...
Modification of Cañihua starch (Chenopodium pallidicaule) for application as a stabilizer...
Cañihua starch and flour (Chenopodium pallidicaule): extraction, characterization...
Characterization of flour and isolated starch from seeds of jackfruit and rheological...
Effect of chia flour concentration on the viscoelastic properties of the dough and...
Double modification of cassava starch for stabilization of Pickering emulsions and...
Results: Displaying 10 of 12 on page 1 of 2