Ramos, Rodrigo Andrade
Results: Displaying 10 of 25 on page 1 of 3
Fast method for dynamic security analysis of power system considering small-signal...
Methods assessment for controlling design on two levels using synchronized phasor...
Analysis of the influence of induction motors under the dynamic behavior of a DFIG...
An algorithm for robust controller tuning to damp intra-plant modes in power sys...
Algorithm for elaboration of plans for service restoration to large scale distribution...
Hybrid algorithm for damping controller design in electric power systems via genetic...
Procedure for real-time assessment of mid and long-term voltage stability
An approach to handle sudden load changes on static voltage stability analysis
Estimation of rotor speed of synchronous generators for small-signal stability assessment...
Application of modal estimation techniques for small-signal stability assessment...
Results: Displaying 10 of 25 on page 1 of 3