Assumpcao, Marcelo Sousa de
Résultats: Montrant 10 de 18 à l'page 1 de 2
Variations in the crustal, lithosphere and mantle structure for the South American...
Crustal thickness in Northern Andes using pP and sS precursors recorded at teleseismic...
Adjoint Tomography of South America based on 3D Spectral-Element Seismic Wave Si...
Ambient Noise Tomography beneath the Parana Basin
Study of the Basalt Layer in Bebedouro, Paraná Basin, using Receiver Function -...
Study of seismicity in Sales Oliveira SP
Parameter optimization of automatic phase detection and picking algorithms - Application...
Mantle Anisotropy and Asthenospheric Flow Around Cratons in SE South America
Shallow structure of the Pantanal Basin with receiver function, surface waves dispersion...
Relative Location of Regional Epicenters in Brazil and Source Parameters
Résultats: Montrant 10 de 18 à l'page 1 de 2