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Thèse de Doctorat
Nom complet
Cícero João da Costa Filho
Adresse Mail
Unité de l'USP
Domain de Connaissance
Date de Soutenance
São Paulo, 2013
Silva, Marcos Antonio da (Président)
Bechelli, Ricardo Sequeira
Cavenaghi, Airton José
Queiroz, Francisco Assis de
Silva, Jose Maria de Oliveira
Titre en portugais
No limiar das raças: Silvio Romero (1870-1914)
Mots-clés en portugais
Brasil (séculos XIX e XX)
Escola do Recife
Silvio Romero
Resumé en portugais
Silvio Romero foi um importante escritor brasileiro da Geração 1870 que pensou o Brasil a partir dos preceitos científicos da Europa e do Liberalismo dos EUA. Influenciado pelos parâmetros do meio e da raça, fatores somados à idéia de evolução e à lei dos três estados (Positivismo), o polígrafo constatou o atraso do país devido à inferioridade das raças formadoras da sociedade brasileira. Nos mais variados segmentos, o atraso brasileiro era visível. Para superar esse atraso, Sílvio pensava que a mestiçagem racial (também biológica) era a singularidade do novo Brasil almejado pela elite econômica e intelectual da época. Pensando um novo Brasil, o ensaísta analisou a contribuição de índios, negros e portugueses para a formação do país, salientando a extrema importância do mestiço, a singularidade brasileira. Bacharel pela Faculdade de Direito do Recife, Romero pensou o Brasil tendo em vista os princípios da Biologia e foi muito influenciado pela idéia de evolução, pela Escola de Le Play e acima de tudo, pelos pensadores que usavam o argumento da raça. A nação brasileira seria pensada tendo por modelo um organismo vivo e a questão racial e cultural seria uma das variantes para compreender o novo Brasil republicano e liberal que estava surgindo.
Titre en anglais
On the threshold of races: Silvio Romero (1870-1914)
Mots-clés en anglais
Brazil (XIX and XX)
Recife School
Silvio Romero
Resumé en anglais
Sílvio Romero was an important brazilian writer of the 1870 Generation. His theoretical references was an important brazilian writer of the 1870 Generation. His theoretical references were European scientific principles and U. S. Liberalism. This polygrafhs thought was influenced by the environment and race parameters, factors add to the concept of evolution and the law of the three stages (Positivism), and he explained the backwardness of the country due to the inferiority of races comprise Brazilian society. He said that Brazilian delay was visible at various sectors. To overcome the reason for the delay, Romero proposed that racial miscegenation (which was also organic and cultural) was the uniqueness of the new Brazil pursued by economic and intellectual elite of the time. Thinking about a new Brazil, this pursued by economic and intellectual elite of the time. Thinking about a new Brazil, this essayist analyzed Indian, African and Portuguese contribution to the formation of Brazil, stressing the utmost importance of the mestizo, the Brazilian singularity. Bachelor of Laws by 11 Recife Faculty, Romero thought in view of the principles of Biology and was much influenced by the concept of evolution, the Le Play School and foremost, by the thinkers who used the argument of race in explaining human societies. The Brazilian nation would be designed modeled as a living organism and race and culture for the bachelor would unquestionably the main variants to understand new liberal and republican Brazil that was emerging.
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