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Doctoral Thesis
Full name
Patricia Ferreira dos Santos
Knowledge Area
Date of Defense
São Paulo, 2013
Bacellar, Carlos de Almeida Prado (President)
Kantor, Iris
Souza, Laura de Mello e
Trindade, Jaelson Bitran
Venâncio, Renato Pinto
Title in Portuguese
Carentes de justiça: juízes seculares e eclesiásticos na "confusão de latrocínios" em Minas Gerais (1748-1793)
Keywords in Portuguese
Justiça eclesiástica
Abstract in Portuguese
O objeto deste estudo é a justiça eclesiástica, analisada sob dois aspectos: as relações estabelecidas pelos juízes eclesiásticos com os fiéis e com os juízes seculares; e os mecanismos de coerção que pôs em prática. A metodologia comparativa baseou-se nas seguintes fontes: processos judiciais eclesiásticos; recursos de averiguação de delitos - as querelas, queixas e denúncias; norma jurídica - expressa nas constituições sinodais, Ordenações e tratados; correspondência de bispos e governadores do século XVIII. Tais fontes evidenciam as várias facetas da justiça colonial: a virtude primeira do Príncipe; e a prerrogativa episcopal. Ponto central na evangelização tridentina, a justiça eclesiástica preconizava maior presença no cotidiano dos fiéis, e uma busca dos pecadores públicos, mediante devassas, denúncias, queixas e querelas. Como corolário deste exercício, verificam-se entre as autoridades seculares e eclesiásticas relações de colaboração, concorrência e conflito. Isto desencadeou múltiplas reações entre as pessoas leigas e eclesiásticas, alvos daquela ação.
Title in English
Deprived of justice: secular and ecclesiastical judges in the "confusion of robberies" in Minas Gerais (1748-1793)
Keywords in English
Ecclesiastical justice
Abstract in English
The object of this study is the ecclesiastical justice in the diocese of the Minas Gerais, analyzed in two ways: the competitive relations of the cooperation, elimination and conflict that established their judges delegates with the people and the authorities of the colony; the mechanisms of coercion that put into practice. A comparative methodology was based on the following sources: ecclesiastical court proceedings, resources investigation of crimes, such as suits, complaints and wanton; the rule of law, and correspondence of the bishops and governors of the eighteenth century. These sources show the various facets assumed by the justice to colonial times: the main prerrogative of the Prince; and also episcopal prerogative, according to the decreesTridentine. The bishop chased the public sinners; received suits and denunciations and established wanton. The ecclesiastical justice was essential element of evangelization Tridentine; however, between secular and ecclesiastical authorities, were relations of the competition, collaboration and conflict. This triggered multiple reactions among people, the target of his action.
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